Info for Your Squashgame helped me to win!!!

Published: 06 Mar 2006 - 19:03 by drop-shot

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:16

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Hello everybody, Here's just to let you know I was the winner of the final in my pro squash tournament. The major winning aspect of the tourney was my tactic preparation. Basic Ten Commandments of squash ( are the default so I do not talk about it :) You will find it in "Squash Library" tab above this message :-) I just tell you that I was focused on point nr. 5&6&7 I won because: First of all, my footwork was fluid and efficient and my fitness level is in the top form (needles to say, played five matches in 6 hours); 1) I was focused on the ball during the whole game (I was trying to not get into discussions on lets and strokes at all), always being in the front of the opponent; 2) In the first game I pushed the opponent to the back wall with the properly placed drives and lobs and a lot of early taken volleys placed to the back corners as well. I did not allow myself to use my favorite trademark shot - backhand counter drop... I let myself to hit only line and crosscourt to the back corners. Even if I did not win the first game, (It happened in two out of five matches) the opponent fitness was already examined heavily. I played the ball away from the opponent; 3) I wanted to play long rallies and avoid the attempts to hit the winners too early. 4) Next game I did accelerate ALWAYS, and I was already on top. In several occasions I won 9-0 in less than 3 minutes, so you can imagine the pace of the game… I think that the most important asset was to keep my tactic in mind all the time. When I did lead 7-3 in the second or final game I did push my opponents to run more and let them catch up with me till the score 6 or 7-8 and then I did executed the final points. My friend told me it was silly and risky but I was self-confident and I felt I control the game so I let myself go on auto pilot mode for a while. I am sharing this post as this is my first anniversary on the professional tournament circuit (I played in a competition for the first time in March 2005) and I play squash just for ca. 20 months; the second reason is to tell you that fitness, footwork is the basic qualification of the squash player. Next level is the mental preparation and tactic. At least this is how do I understand the progress in squash.

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From drop-shot - 06 Mar 2006 - 22:01   -   Updated: 06 Mar 2006 - 22:01

YES!!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!
Ray/Rita, at least 50 per cent of the credits and applause goes to you and your site. Squash is more than 60 sqm of court. You must get the theory knowledge as well, and you do share it perfectly here.

So, big applause, bravo bravissimo for you, my two teachers :-)

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From raystrach - 06 Mar 2006 - 21:18

i am genuinely thrilled slavi

no doubt, the result was due to the effort that you have put in over the past year or so. i hope we might have played a minor part.

but if you want to give us all the credit, why hell, we'll take it!!!

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From rippa rit - 06 Mar 2006 - 20:32   -   Updated: 06 Mar 2006 - 20:34

Well Slavi that post really did give me a surprise as I did not realise you were preparing for such a dual.  You kept very quiet about it too.  Anyway -
Congratulations on your effort, and consistency to keep focussed throughout the whole tourney.
The feet must be ok too if you were moving about chasing the ball so much.
If you were closer I would go and have a look at your match too just to spur you along.  Just wait till we get the video stuff operating on squashgame - no jokes.
I like the way you just keep chipping away at our tips and ideas, putting them into practice, and then finally into the bigger matches.
Are you playing comp in London?
When our Aussies (in the 1970/80's) went to London to play in the winter they even wore gloves, and beanies to keep warm while playing squash.  And, the other night at the Hall of Fame doo they mentioned the sweat turning to icecles as it was running down the player's face during the match - everybody thought that a joke.
Now I am looking forward to the presentation photo?
Well done.

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