Published: 06 Mar 2006 - 08:38 by raystrach
Updated: 06 Mar 2006 - 08:38
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Now the exitement for the week is over, I need to take a more relaxed approach to my competitive matches. Maybe I should have done that all along - who knows. I have been successful in big matches taking both approaches. You can only make a decision on what you think is right at the time.
I know that in a light practice match earlier today, I felt pretty good, I was moving very well and I had very good control over the ball. Technique was good. Part of the problem is that there are too many light practice matches, not enough really tough practices. Good playing partners is a problem. I think I scare some people off.
Now why could that be??!!
I will have to look a little bit harder for better playing partners in the future. In that vein, I may well get more consistantly hard matches when I change one of my competitive playing nights this coming season. Changing my competition night from Tuesday to Thursday will hopefully mean a lift in standard on a week in week out basis.
I just have to keep lifting the intensity of my physical training and my solo practice in the meantime. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
I know that in a light practice match earlier today, I felt pretty good, I was moving very well and I had very good control over the ball. Technique was good. Part of the problem is that there are too many light practice matches, not enough really tough practices. Good playing partners is a problem. I think I scare some people off.
Now why could that be??!!
I will have to look a little bit harder for better playing partners in the future. In that vein, I may well get more consistantly hard matches when I change one of my competitive playing nights this coming season. Changing my competition night from Tuesday to Thursday will hopefully mean a lift in standard on a week in week out basis.
I just have to keep lifting the intensity of my physical training and my solo practice in the meantime. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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