The opponent is guessing!
Published: 24 Jul 2004 - 18:02 by rippa rit
Updated: 06 Jul 2008 - 08:23
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If your opponent is getting your good shots back, and you are feeling frustrated, take a deep breath, walk a little slower in between points and think ?
Think about what:-
- Am I sending a message by gesture, eg body language, swing, etc.?
- Is the play repetitive, eg same pattern of play, and speed of play? If your answer is, yes, try:-
- Mix up the game, eg play one long, one short (that is, say,1 drive 1 boast).
- From the front of the court play a drop shot or a lob or a drive, to keep the opponent guessing.
Just a thought about mixing up the shots.
- Early racket and feet preparation, and balance, will assist a greater variety of shots to be attempted during a rally.
- Also, by getting to the shot quickly, wait ready to strike, then hit the ball, this will give time to assess where the opponent is, hence assist develop a better array of shots from the same court position.
Now a word of encouragement.
- What I have said sounds easy, and that is true.
- However, just take one aspect at a time, and if it takes a month to put it all into place don't be discouraged, just keep at it.
Video showing the movement and racket preparation to play variety in the front court.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 15 Dec 2005 - 07:32 - Updated: 12 Dec 2007 - 21:04
From drop-shot - 15 Dec 2005 - 07:22

From rippa rit - 14 Dec 2005 - 09:40
So do I have to add something else to my coaching tips "hit ball at opponent"!?
From drop-shot - 13 Dec 2005 - 20:03
From rippa rit - 10 Dec 2005 - 22:09
- I see you are actually playing with the ball these days and being a devil to the opponent. Good.
- The more you mix up the shots the more confusing it becomes for the opponent, and it keeps them waiting longer before taking off after your shot.
- So, one time take the ball early, one time wait and then hit it back into the corner the opponent came from, next time wait till they move and hit it over their head, next time drop shot, and so on.
From drop-shot - 23 Jan 2005 - 03:16
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Slavi - yep I got what you were saying - it is as it rebounds off the front wall that it goes towards his body - that is ok - but if you should not be too accurate and he volleys it, you might just get HIT.
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