Enough Already
Published: 28 Feb 2006 - 14:54 by raystrach
Updated: 28 Feb 2006 - 14:54
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There is only so much you can take. If i do any more visualisation or other mental preparation I think I will drive myself crazy. I might already be crazy. I think I will totally forget about my game until I leave home for my match on wednesday.
I kept my swim shorter again today, swimming 400 mts with each 50mtr length under 1 minute and at 1:30 intervals. Had to have about 1 minutes rest just before the sixth 50, but completed the final 100 mts in one hit. Also did some more vertical jumps from a Squat position in the pool.
One of my coaching bookings cancelled tonite so spent 30 minutes in a solo practice. My swing is becoming more grooved and should stand up OK on wednesday. Still some work to do there, before it is operating as I would wish.
shorter but more intense than usual
solo practice How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
I kept my swim shorter again today, swimming 400 mts with each 50mtr length under 1 minute and at 1:30 intervals. Had to have about 1 minutes rest just before the sixth 50, but completed the final 100 mts in one hit. Also did some more vertical jumps from a Squat position in the pool.
One of my coaching bookings cancelled tonite so spent 30 minutes in a solo practice. My swing is becoming more grooved and should stand up OK on wednesday. Still some work to do there, before it is operating as I would wish.
shorter but more intense than usual
solo practice How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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