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Higher, Faster Stronger

Published: 27 Feb 2006 - 11:13 by raystrach

Updated: 27 Feb 2006 - 11:15

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Without looking up the IOC website, i cannot quite recall what the slogan for the Olympic movement is, but it is something along the lines of the above title. I hope it applies to me over the next week especially.

As I said in a previous post, I am reducing the duration of any training (i use that word advisedly) that I do, and attempting to increase the intensity. with this in mind, on Friday, I cut my swim back to 400 mts  but attempted to complete all 50 mt lengths in a minute or under. At I min 30 sec intervals, this was a little too much and I had to increase the intervals to 2 min for the final 200 mts.

I also did some explosive jumps from a squat position (3 sets of 10) in the pool to help strengthen my left knee. It had been slowly improving, but it went backwards big time at the end of last week. It has shown a lot of improvement over the weekend, so I hope I did not do any lasting damage.

Late today  had another light run with a solo pactice at the end. Really concentrated on anticipation and arriving early to the ball then trying to practice a number of alternative from any one position. I must do this against my opponent on Wednesday night in the comp final..

Have continued to do some visualisation which could help me In my match. My only fear is that i do everything in slow motion on the night. if so, there will be a big time thrashing.

At least one walk each day. Has been very useful

400 metres on Friday am. Aerobic recovery not bad.

75 mins solo and light game (would have liked a harder game but no go)squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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