Use the Nick
Published: 14 Jul 2004 - 18:10 by rippa rit
Updated: 22 Aug 2006 - 21:33
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Have you ever heard the sigh of relief when a player hits the "nick"? It is often thought to be a fluke shot too. The ball usually "dies" when it hits the side wall nick, especially a "dead" nick..
A few ideas when playing these shots:-
A few ideas when playing these shots:-
- Deep lobs
- By hitting the ball softer, that will stop the ball rebounding into the middle of the court.
- A high target on the front wall will send the ball deeper, whilst the width on the front wall also gives the angle of the shot towards the side wall.
- Driving
- By hitting the ball lower on the front wall, aiming for the ball to land at the back wall nick, swing through the ball towards the front wall target (no scooping).
- Drop shots
- By hitting the ball with a cutting/slicing action, at the same time angling the ball into the side wall nick, assists getting the ball to sit down lower, making the ball harder to retrieve.
- It is the angle that takes the ball towards the nick..
- A shot played anywhere close to the nick and the side wall is good because it makes it so much more difficult for the opponent to return well, and can give a big advantage for the following shot - so, think what return is the best, and take full advantage of this situation. If you are not capitalising on these situations and pressuring your opponent even further with the reply something is radically wrong. Maybe we can help you.
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