Playing in cold and wet
Published: 24 Feb 2006 - 07:28 by rippa rit
Updated: 24 Feb 2006 - 07:35
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The following is extracted from the comments made by Nicol David after being 0-7 down in the first game against her opponent. These comments may or may not mean anything to you just now, however, this reinforces the need to always keep track of what is happening within the game, and how much external factors can change the game too, and what Nicol refers to is just the difference between damp and cold for instance.
They say if you keep doing what you did, you get what you got, but not in Nicol's case..
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Building up the awareness, just like the lion creeping through the forrest.
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- "Perhaps influenced by the cold and wet weather, Nicol David surprisingly found herself 0-7 down in the opening game as Hong Kong's Rebecca Chiu, the Asian Games champion, slotted in a series of winners.
- "Suddenly I realised that I needed to step forward to take the ball early," said the new world number one later – and that is exactly what she did as David turned the game around."
They say if you keep doing what you did, you get what you got, but not in Nicol's case..
Our tactical section, training routines, and restricted games are designed to practice all of the strategies that may be needed under extreme pressure of competition.
Building up the awareness, just like the lion creeping through the forrest.
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