Persistent One Day, Pathetic the Next.
Published: 22 Feb 2006 - 08:29 by raystrach
Updated: 22 Feb 2006 - 16:08
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I started yesterday off with a morning swim and immediately struggled. After 100 mts I could no see any way I would be able to finish the remaining 600 at 1.5 min intervals. I really was battling every stroke. I decided to forget about what I had to do and concentrated on each stroke and tried to let the 700 take care of itself.
I was surprised and relieved when I completed the lot - all freestyle and all at 1m 30 sec intervals. This is the first time I had done it!
If only I could have applied myself as well to my semifinal match tonite. Pathetic might be a kind description of my performance. After over 30 years of playing Squash, much of it at a high level you would think that I had learnt something. But no.
I normally play last and had had a small meal accordingly. But when we arrived, only the number 1 player was there and he asked if I would go on first. Foolishly I agreed. Not that that made the difference between winning and losing my own match, but if I had done better, the team would have won on the night. Instead we lost by one solitary point. I had let the team down badly only getting 3 points.
I was outlplayed at our last meeting, but i managed to get one game. As with previous matces where I played a fast opponent, I simply could not get my mind around what i had to do. I was continually rushed, could not stay calm and made numerous errors. To give him his due, he played well, keeping the ball tight and minimising errors. But I put no pressure on him. I must overcome this problem to progress.
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I was surprised and relieved when I completed the lot - all freestyle and all at 1m 30 sec intervals. This is the first time I had done it!
If only I could have applied myself as well to my semifinal match tonite. Pathetic might be a kind description of my performance. After over 30 years of playing Squash, much of it at a high level you would think that I had learnt something. But no.
I normally play last and had had a small meal accordingly. But when we arrived, only the number 1 player was there and he asked if I would go on first. Foolishly I agreed. Not that that made the difference between winning and losing my own match, but if I had done better, the team would have won on the night. Instead we lost by one solitary point. I had let the team down badly only getting 3 points.
I was outlplayed at our last meeting, but i managed to get one game. As with previous matces where I played a fast opponent, I simply could not get my mind around what i had to do. I was continually rushed, could not stay calm and made numerous errors. To give him his due, he played well, keeping the ball tight and minimising errors. But I put no pressure on him. I must overcome this problem to progress.
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