Wax On - Wax Off
Published: 20 Feb 2006 - 10:13 by raystrach
Updated: 20 Feb 2006 - 21:24
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For those who have seen the movie, "The Karate Kid", those words would be familiar. For others, see below! I once had an introductory lesson in kung fu. Very simple movements, and some simple exercises which did not seem too hard at the time.
The next day and for days after, my upper arms and pecs were incredibly sore. My friend, who took the class, had a good chuckle to himself. He said the muscles that were being used for some of the exercises were hardly ever used in our day to day lives, Nor for Squash for that matter (he was also a very handy Squash player). Hence the soreness.
I was waxing on an off today, tidying up an old car I am about to sell. It will be interesting to see how my arms come up over the next couple of days. The pros make it look so easy - they generate pace from an apparent flick of the wrist. Of course it is not that easy, otherwise we would all be doing it. Making it all happen at the right time takes a lot of practice - this is the cleanest I have hit he ball in some years - now I have just got to get the brain and the legs to work to the same level - especially when under pressure.
Morning walks sat/sun
Light game for 45 mins -showing some good signs. solo practice for 45 mins - volley drills and kill drills - progress is being made but not quite where i want to be
Meanwhile, the quest continues i am trying to lift my skill level. When hitting solo, it does test out the muscular endurance, especially of the wrist and grip. My timing is starting to return, especially on he backhand volley. This means my technique is improving and my swing is getting faster - all good.
Wax On Wax Off
The "kid" approaches the master to become his protege. the master, as a first step, instructs the kid to go polish his car. the kid can't understand what this has to do with karate. The master, making a circular motion with his hands against an imaginary opponent says "wax on" (one hand circulating, ) "wax off" (other hand circulating) try this link here How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
The next day and for days after, my upper arms and pecs were incredibly sore. My friend, who took the class, had a good chuckle to himself. He said the muscles that were being used for some of the exercises were hardly ever used in our day to day lives, Nor for Squash for that matter (he was also a very handy Squash player). Hence the soreness.
I was waxing on an off today, tidying up an old car I am about to sell. It will be interesting to see how my arms come up over the next couple of days. The pros make it look so easy - they generate pace from an apparent flick of the wrist. Of course it is not that easy, otherwise we would all be doing it. Making it all happen at the right time takes a lot of practice - this is the cleanest I have hit he ball in some years - now I have just got to get the brain and the legs to work to the same level - especially when under pressure.
Morning walks sat/sun
Light game for 45 mins -showing some good signs. solo practice for 45 mins - volley drills and kill drills - progress is being made but not quite where i want to be
Meanwhile, the quest continues i am trying to lift my skill level. When hitting solo, it does test out the muscular endurance, especially of the wrist and grip. My timing is starting to return, especially on he backhand volley. This means my technique is improving and my swing is getting faster - all good.
Wax On Wax Off
The "kid" approaches the master to become his protege. the master, as a first step, instructs the kid to go polish his car. the kid can't understand what this has to do with karate. The master, making a circular motion with his hands against an imaginary opponent says "wax on" (one hand circulating, ) "wax off" (other hand circulating) try this link here How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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