Should you boast from the back corners ?
Published: 19 Feb 2006 - 11:06 by Viper
Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:18
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Never boast when behind your opponent ?
Is this true enough ? ie if you are retuning from a back corner you should not boast (unless it is so tight you can do little else) because it will leave the ball sitting up and at the mercy of your opponent at the front to kill.
So from the back corner only boast as a last resort ?

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From raystrach - 21 Feb 2006 - 17:19 - Updated: 21 Feb 2006 - 17:21
From rippa rit - 20 Feb 2006 - 21:17 - Updated: 21 Feb 2006 - 14:20
Of course if you are stuck you do not have choices, other than to shorten the grip and do a drive, to those who tear up the front, or aim as far down and as high as you can on the side wall, and as high as you can and hopefully the boast may in fact go over the head of the person tearing up the front.
Viper, I know you will shake your head (and I can hear it rattling from here) we have been trying to say the cunning and tactics have been gradually disappearing out of this game.
Viper - keep boasting - your opponent will soon tell you if you have done it at the wrong time! But, be sure to make a mental note, so it does not happen again!!

From Viper - 20 Feb 2006 - 20:48
Rita, I am not convinced, but I would like to be because I am good at boasting.
Most times I have driven an opponent into a back corner and I see them shape for a boast, I am licking my lips as 9 times out of 10 I can eaisly pounce at the front corner and respond with a deft drop which very often they can not reach in time, or at best they stretch so far to reach the ball that they hit a weak response.
Alternately I can see them flying up the court expecting me to drop and I can then send a quick drive back into the opposite corner which catches them with their weight going the wrong way.
You have to be an absolute hare to make it back from a deep corner to a very short soft drop with the composure to hit a strong reply, people do it, and they have done it to me, but in my experience most don't.
But please convince me otherwise as I said I love boasting
From rippa rit - 20 Feb 2006 - 18:09 - Updated: 20 Feb 2006 - 18:11
Here is our link to revise "shot selection"
From Viper - 20 Feb 2006 - 09:02
Never was a bit absolute.
I should have said "avoid" boasting from the back corner, unless.........
Thanks David, I particularly like your mental approach by coming up close behind him, this really does work.
Assuming your oponent is not tired and is on the tee, then boasting would be a real folly ?
From dmennie - 19 Feb 2006 - 21:32
Hi Viper,
Never boasting from the back is a bit extreme ie "never say never."
If your opponent is tiring or slow in moving forward or in your rear quarter of the court, a boast will pressure him/her to move the greatest distance with the least amount of time to kill the ball.
Two wall boast is the preferred option and always push hard forward behind your opponent to pressure the return.Mental pressure will contribute to a greater error rate.
All the best
David M
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