Another Brick in the Wall
Published: 18 Feb 2006 - 12:16 by raystrach
Updated: 18 Feb 2006 - 12:18
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I read recently that someone in the UK reckons that the Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall" marked the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it. Well, something like that anyway. My efforts in the swimming pool this morning were just that - or perhaps another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Personally, I would not put too much weight on the ability of most pop songs (including the one in question) to have a profound effect on our world.
Certainly my two to three times in the pool will have absolutely no effect on anyone but me. I just can't bring myself to enjoy the session itself although the benefits that it provides make it worthwhile. I see it as a necessity if i am going to get fit. Today was just another building block to achieve that aim.
Today I managed to complete the 700 mts with only 100m of breastroke and one with 1 min 30 sec intervals or less. Most 50 mtr lengths were done in around 60 secs. I will keep the 700 mtr at 1:30 going for another week before I move on to the longer distance/shorter interval.
Morning Swim
It's a pain but best effort this year
Had a hit (very light) with friends (social players). Ran into Ross Thorne former WR 3 from the eighties. (His former wife, Rhonda was a World Champ) he was as bright as ever. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Certainly my two to three times in the pool will have absolutely no effect on anyone but me. I just can't bring myself to enjoy the session itself although the benefits that it provides make it worthwhile. I see it as a necessity if i am going to get fit. Today was just another building block to achieve that aim.
Today I managed to complete the 700 mts with only 100m of breastroke and one with 1 min 30 sec intervals or less. Most 50 mtr lengths were done in around 60 secs. I will keep the 700 mtr at 1:30 going for another week before I move on to the longer distance/shorter interval.
Morning Swim
It's a pain but best effort this year
Had a hit (very light) with friends (social players). Ran into Ross Thorne former WR 3 from the eighties. (His former wife, Rhonda was a World Champ) he was as bright as ever. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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