What The Hell is Going On Here?
Published: 17 Feb 2006 - 10:44 by raystrach
Updated: 17 Feb 2006 - 10:44
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This is one of my favourite expressions, and it indicates what sort of mess my mind is usually in at any given time. I have not checked back in the blogs of the past week, but i recall being very sore sometime last week. It may have been thursday as well.
Not too sure why I am so sore again today especially in the lower calf/achilles region and my right (playing ) elbow. It could have something to do with the swimming an addition to the other stuff I have ben doing in the past week or so. Maybe i am underestimating how hard I have been training - but I don't think so. I am taking it quite easy I think.
In any case, it does indicate that I am in the middle of an improvement phase, physically. It helps explain my poor performance the previous night. it also ads to my gut feeling of imminent improvement. My teams are in the semi finals of thir respective competitions, so if I can get through next week wih a couple of reasonalble performances and my teams both make it to the grand finals, I will have an easy week leading in, training wise. No swimming, maybe just one hard pactice run on the saturday before. That should freshen me up.
Morning Walk
Nice and easy - recovery day How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Not too sure why I am so sore again today especially in the lower calf/achilles region and my right (playing ) elbow. It could have something to do with the swimming an addition to the other stuff I have ben doing in the past week or so. Maybe i am underestimating how hard I have been training - but I don't think so. I am taking it quite easy I think.
In any case, it does indicate that I am in the middle of an improvement phase, physically. It helps explain my poor performance the previous night. it also ads to my gut feeling of imminent improvement. My teams are in the semi finals of thir respective competitions, so if I can get through next week wih a couple of reasonalble performances and my teams both make it to the grand finals, I will have an easy week leading in, training wise. No swimming, maybe just one hard pactice run on the saturday before. That should freshen me up.
Morning Walk
Nice and easy - recovery day How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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