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Simplicty is Anything But Simple

Published: 15 Feb 2006 - 13:38 by raystrach

Updated: 15 Feb 2006 - 19:55

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When playing a weaker opponent or doing some solo practice, it is relatively easy to get good racket technique, but when under pressure things easily go awry. While I have been improving slowly in this respect over the past few months, I needed to really tighten this area of my game up  to compete with higher quality opponents. A tell tale sign of poor technique is hitting loose shots for no real reason.

That is why I have been making a big effort over the past couple of weeks to get some solo practice in. I can concentrate solely on technique if I wish. As those who have been following this blog would know, I have felt I am on the verge of stepping up a level at the moment and my match tonite has confirmed this. For a large portion of the match, I had the racket under control - little of the racket waving all over the place during the swing.

I have been practising an early preparation and a clean quick stroke of the racket,  while watching the ball intently. When I managed to do this tonight, I played very well, hit plently of attacking shots, hit the ball well on the volley and generally played very relaxed. All my efforts went into hitiing the ball, little effort was wasted on worrying about outcome, if I was playing well or not, or how fit I was (or not). The tactics even took care of themselves.

Unfortunately, it took a game and a half to get into this frame of mind consistently. Up to this point my mind was all over the place. My between rally routine was going in and out of my play. it was not until I was on the verge of going down two games to love that I was able to summon up enough concentrated effort to do all the little things right. The between rally routine is especially important for me at the moment. The fact that I only gave away two points in those two and a half games, while I scored 22 is a good indication of the value of concentration.

For me, focussng on the game hit by hit, is very important. As soon as I do that, everything starts coming together. If I can continue to get my technique as simple as possible and my fitness continue to improve, I will have taken that step up before the end of the month.

Encouraging signs with some of the old technique returning

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From rippa rit - 15 Feb 2006 - 19:55

Ray, so you feel the solo practice has got you into "automatic" mode.
I would think if you are playing the shots without having to think about the technique your brain will be free to concentrate on what in fact in happening in the game.
Sounds good.

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