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Footwear (newbie)

Published: 14 Feb 2006 - 23:36 by fcoelho

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:24

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hi there, i'm new to this forum as i am to squash. i started practicing it a few months ago and i must say i am beginning to become addicted to it =D .  that being said it leaves me with my question: i use the adidas stabil 5 court shoes  but i really need a new products for my feet  beacuse these are all banged up. So, i went to the local sports shop and discover that they only have 3 decent products regarding indoor shoes: the asics gel blast, adidas stabil 6, adidas  climacool alpha. which one of these would you  recommend??
So far by reading through your forum, i've discovered that the asics seem to be a perfect fit. but that brings another question: in case i go with it, i have to order them (they dont have 44 plus sizes), which size should i order since i use 46 on adidas (stabil 5). please feel free to comment. thank you

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From drop-shot - 15 Feb 2006 - 06:31

Asics are really dope choice, but definitely I would recommend you Hi-Tec Elite. Soft and light and cushioned. Perfect comfort.

Sizing ... well, see the sizing converter chart, and that's done. Be careful, Adidas sizing differs from Asics.

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