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Why is Palmer not playing at CW ?

Published: 10 Feb 2006 - 22:52 by Viper

Updated: 12 Feb 2006 - 17:15

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From drop-shot - 12 Feb 2006 - 17:15

poor Johnny is just the exception proves the rule, nope?
maybe he exaggerated with the amount ;-)

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From rippa rit - 12 Feb 2006 - 08:52

Gooday Slavi - John White has 4 kids (including twins) so he should be flyingaround the court.

They say women perform better after childbirth but I have not heard of any studies about men.
I do think the extra responsibilities bring things into perspective, and of course the need for better organisation, including regular sleep and meals, and moral support as well, do help too.

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From drop-shot - 12 Feb 2006 - 06:28

" I know they are working on selling his DVD and promotion of the AMOS program too. "
quotting Rita.

Well, they would sell lot more if this DVD would not cost 50 bucks!!! That's a bit too much even as for the DVD from THE David Palmer. All those DVDs produced by the players cost too much. The same for JP Exposed and PNicol. 50 bucks is the price that man pay for TWO regular movies.
Their politic is agains making squash popular, further more, I do not predict breaking sell records with that price.

Being dad is awesome. My boy is 7 months old and it gives a real adrenaline kick. Just take a look how good performs Shabana recently. He was happy in love, got married, so his life is balanced. Happy in life, happy in court. The same happened to David, he is lovef and he loves, they expect a Junior, so David is better on court.

So, happy family is the most important factor improving your game.

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From Viper - 11 Feb 2006 - 10:28

Thanks for that.

I was there when he turned on that ankle in Melb, I am suprised they do not just wear ankle braces all the time considering ankle sprains are so very common in squash.

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From rippa rit - 11 Feb 2006 - 08:26

Viper - here is a link to David Palmer's site.
After reading an interview with him, and he does explain why he is not playing at CW but besides he is nursing an ankle, as well as he is going to be a Dad, so I guess that together with his heavy schedule can see why it is not possible to go out for every tournament.  And, it seems he is well up on the points scale with "just a few to go".

I know they are working on selling his DVD and promotion of the AMOS program too.

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