That Hurt!
Published: 10 Feb 2006 - 12:12 by raystrach
Updated: 10 Feb 2006 - 12:38
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What ever it was that I did yesterday, it hurt. It is ages that I have been so sore, all over. I did not think my 3 game loss was that hard, nor did i think that my few hours of roof work was that hard either. I did not think that my swim in the morning was that hard.
It might have been the cumalative effect of all three, that made me stiff and sore all over. The one good thing is that I don't appear to have any injuries, other than the couple of minor ones I already know about.
My left wrist is extremely stiff. I sometimes use my left hand for balance when retrieving low balls from the front of the court. When I am low and very stretched I put the hand down on the floor to stop myself from falling over and to act as a little extra support. Sometimes it comes down very hard and I have hurt it before like this quite a few times. The problem is you don't know you are doing it till much later - like now!
Needless to say, I did not do any training today, just a morning walk. I need to recover! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
It might have been the cumalative effect of all three, that made me stiff and sore all over. The one good thing is that I don't appear to have any injuries, other than the couple of minor ones I already know about.
My left wrist is extremely stiff. I sometimes use my left hand for balance when retrieving low balls from the front of the court. When I am low and very stretched I put the hand down on the floor to stop myself from falling over and to act as a little extra support. Sometimes it comes down very hard and I have hurt it before like this quite a few times. The problem is you don't know you are doing it till much later - like now!
Needless to say, I did not do any training today, just a morning walk. I need to recover! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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From rippa rit - 10 Feb 2006 - 12:38
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That makes a better picture in my mind than you stretching out putting the left hand on the floor, racket in the right hand, and pushing off to recover to the T - yeah.....need a video of this action shot
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