Info for Your Squashgame

Product Links

Published: 10 Feb 2006 - 11:36 by raystrach

Updated: 10 Feb 2006 - 12:29

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Hi all

Recently, you may have noticed a number of sponsored links/advertisements appear on the SquashGame website. These links - originally Googleads, now Amazon, were there for a dual purpose.
  1. We have a large number of visitors to our website who are searching for Squash products (we record all our searches) We want to be able to service them
  2. To help provide us with a little income to help defray the costs of running this website and to reward us for the effort that we put in to make it the best on the web.

Since we started SquashGame, we had thought that one day we may start up our own web shop, selling the aforementioned "Squash product ", but having looked at it in more detail recently, we decided we would not go down that track in the short/medium term. We would concentrate our efforts in getting all of our vast resources web ready.

Hence the appearance of the ad links.

After trying Googleads, we were dissappointed that they were not relevant enough to provide the service to our visitors and members. We will not use them again under the current system.  Now we are in the Amazon program which offers us far more flexibility to get exactly what we want on the website. We will be adding more very targeted links/ads in different parts of the site, as appropriate, over time.

If you do intend to purchase anything at all (not just Squash stuff) through Amazon, please do so from our site. It will not cost you anything extra, but we will recieve a small commission from the sale. Simply go to using one of the Amazon search features or one of the product links that can be found on the site.

Rita and I are very interested in what you, the members, think of the links and ads. Please vote in our mini poll or make a comment here. As always, members are encouraged to provide feedback on anything to do with Squash and

Thanks for your continued support.
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