Flat Out or Plain Flat
Published: 09 Feb 2006 - 08:52 by raystrach
Updated: 09 Feb 2006 - 08:52
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Many people tell me that I expect too much of myself. Although I never agree with the sentiment, I have lowered my expectations in my Squash performances a little in recent times. And while I seldom live up to my own expectations, I am able to take positives out of my own percieved lack of performance.
Today's Squash match was a good example of having expectations far exceed actual results, but being able to take some positives away from the experience.
Starting the day with swimming is not so great, the only positive is that it will result in the achievement of some of my goals in the medium to long term. If I spent the time on a Squash court, training, I would enjoy every minute of it - Squash is great! Swimming ain't. Instead, it is forcing myself to go up and down a 50 m pool, preventing me from drowning.
I have returned to the stage of my muscular endurance falling a little behind my aerobic fitness. I really struggled again today although I did manage to get through my set of 700. Unfortunately, it had a negative effect on my Squash - a little more short term pain.
I arrived at Squash feeling a little flat, wit my arms and shoulders fatigued and a little stiff. It did not help that I spent most of the day repairing my roof, a activity that I do not do very often. - A little more short term pain. I did have a positive attitude to the match against one of the younger players, one who I have not beaten so far.
I am sorry to report that I have still not beaten him.
My plan was to concentrate play on his forehand where he makes more errors due to his closed racket face on that wing. Also, I would not give him anything short on the backhand unles I could apply real pressure.
For two games I played to plan to a large extent, but not well enough. I made a few simple errors due mainly to his court speedand my racket technique did not stand up quite well enough. Despite all that, I was in winning positions in both of the first two games only to make errors at the crucial times.
The most disappointing aspect of it was that my between rally routine, which I carried out well the week before, disappeared after about 3 rallies and only returned a couple of times throughout the entire match. It might have been the difference between winning and losing those first two games.
The third game he was just too fit and too quick for me. I could not apply any constant pressure, letting myself down with mistakes and poor decision making.
Overall, I was pleased with some of my play and could see some progress in my shotmaking ad tactics, but I was too rushed much of the time. A fraction more speed and concentration will make all the difference next time.
The usual
700mts at 1 min 40 sec intervals per 50 m
Tight 3 games, but sorry, no cigar. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Today's Squash match was a good example of having expectations far exceed actual results, but being able to take some positives away from the experience.
Starting the day with swimming is not so great, the only positive is that it will result in the achievement of some of my goals in the medium to long term. If I spent the time on a Squash court, training, I would enjoy every minute of it - Squash is great! Swimming ain't. Instead, it is forcing myself to go up and down a 50 m pool, preventing me from drowning.
I have returned to the stage of my muscular endurance falling a little behind my aerobic fitness. I really struggled again today although I did manage to get through my set of 700. Unfortunately, it had a negative effect on my Squash - a little more short term pain.
I arrived at Squash feeling a little flat, wit my arms and shoulders fatigued and a little stiff. It did not help that I spent most of the day repairing my roof, a activity that I do not do very often. - A little more short term pain. I did have a positive attitude to the match against one of the younger players, one who I have not beaten so far.
I am sorry to report that I have still not beaten him.
My plan was to concentrate play on his forehand where he makes more errors due to his closed racket face on that wing. Also, I would not give him anything short on the backhand unles I could apply real pressure.
For two games I played to plan to a large extent, but not well enough. I made a few simple errors due mainly to his court speedand my racket technique did not stand up quite well enough. Despite all that, I was in winning positions in both of the first two games only to make errors at the crucial times.
The most disappointing aspect of it was that my between rally routine, which I carried out well the week before, disappeared after about 3 rallies and only returned a couple of times throughout the entire match. It might have been the difference between winning and losing those first two games.
The third game he was just too fit and too quick for me. I could not apply any constant pressure, letting myself down with mistakes and poor decision making.
Overall, I was pleased with some of my play and could see some progress in my shotmaking ad tactics, but I was too rushed much of the time. A fraction more speed and concentration will make all the difference next time.
The usual
700mts at 1 min 40 sec intervals per 50 m
Tight 3 games, but sorry, no cigar. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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