I Am But a Delicate Flower
Published: 07 Feb 2006 - 07:55 by raystrach
Updated: 07 Feb 2006 - 14:42
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Those who know me or have seen my unfortunate picture on these web pages would not think that I was anything but a big boofy bloke. You might be surprised to learn that I am a delicate flower, easily crushed or misfigured by the slightest sideways brush or inadvertant tampering.
This was clearly demonstrated today, when I went to complete my swimming session. No sooner had I commenced my 700 metres of water torture when I felt an unusual feeling in the arms and shoulders - pain. Not a good pain, a bad pain.
It was my intention to up the ante again viz a vis the intensity of the swim - 700 metres each 50 at 1min 40 sec interval. That is an increase of 100 metres and a reduction of 10 secs in length and cycle respectively.
But it was all too much.
My lousy two sets of chin ups a couple of days earlier had left me with a couple of slight strains. It was hurting a little too much to complete the 700 at the set intervals. I did manage 600 at 1:40 but I had to complete the last 100 in breaststroke at a far more liesurely pace.
Even as little as 3 years ago I would have gone through the pain barrier and then been out injured for 3 months - each time I tried to increase my training volume and/or intensity I would break. Now I am just trying to hang together. It could be survival of the frailest.
Having said all that, I feel I am on the verge of reaching a level of fitness that I have not achieved in about 8 years. I broke then and could not seem to get myself right until recently. I can now raise my sights a little higher. This will help take off the few extra kilos that I am carrying, and help with my court movement.
Only a morning walk today
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This was clearly demonstrated today, when I went to complete my swimming session. No sooner had I commenced my 700 metres of water torture when I felt an unusual feeling in the arms and shoulders - pain. Not a good pain, a bad pain.
It was my intention to up the ante again viz a vis the intensity of the swim - 700 metres each 50 at 1min 40 sec interval. That is an increase of 100 metres and a reduction of 10 secs in length and cycle respectively.
But it was all too much.
My lousy two sets of chin ups a couple of days earlier had left me with a couple of slight strains. It was hurting a little too much to complete the 700 at the set intervals. I did manage 600 at 1:40 but I had to complete the last 100 in breaststroke at a far more liesurely pace.
Even as little as 3 years ago I would have gone through the pain barrier and then been out injured for 3 months - each time I tried to increase my training volume and/or intensity I would break. Now I am just trying to hang together. It could be survival of the frailest.
Having said all that, I feel I am on the verge of reaching a level of fitness that I have not achieved in about 8 years. I broke then and could not seem to get myself right until recently. I can now raise my sights a little higher. This will help take off the few extra kilos that I am carrying, and help with my court movement.
Only a morning walk today
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