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When Looking at Your Reflection

Published: 05 Feb 2006 - 11:12 by raystrach

Updated: 09 Feb 2006 - 08:04

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I have taken it relatively easy, training wise over the last couple of days. I continued my morning and evening walks and swam on Friday. This I curtailed a little, on account of blabbering with the pool owner for  too long and having a sore lower back. I was able to release a minor spasm  after my pool session which solved that problem.

I also continued to slowly buildup some strength work over this period with a couple of sets of chin ups and more knee strengthening exercises. And although I physically did not extend myself ( I have  actually been very busy work wise, for those who think I sit around all day doing nothing!), I indulged in some  the self analysis  as I often do on a day to day basis.

Self analysis or reflection is just what it suggests - holding up a mirror and looking at a reflection of oneself. Self reflection is good but it does come with the danger of looking at things with rose coloured glasses. This is not good. The ability of improvement, in whatever area you might wish to discuss, relies on having the ability to see a true refelction of oneself. You can then accurately evaluate and make the necessary changes or adjustments.

This does not preclude different people seeing things differently. We can only see  things through our own prism of experience, education, and genetic make up. We do, after all, have a responsibility to ourselves to " Your own self be true". (that's the way I see it anyway)

What is the result of this introspection?

For me it is usually a realisation of my own frailties and weaknesses. But instead of depressing me or lowering my self belief or self confidence, it really gives me something to work on. And when I have something to work on, I know I will improve it.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 09 Feb 2006 - 08:04

Ray - evaluate is a better word than criticise, yeah.
Squash players have to do self-analysis/evaluation continually, and that is part of life.
If you cannot take the result on the chin, you give up squash, and maybe give up life too.
So just keep plugging away.
And talking about sayings which Viper mentioned "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" - true.

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thanks for advice there rita. i will try it out and see how i get on

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