Am I Dreaming?
Published: 01 Feb 2006 - 11:18 by raystrach
Updated: 01 Feb 2006 - 11:18
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When looking at a prospective opponent, I think that perhaps their standard is not so great and that I would be able to account for them somewhat easily. The reality, however is that this is seldom the case. This says a lot about not only how I see myself, but what I am trying to achieve.
When I look at the players who are now playing at a standard that I used to play, I cannot always reconcile the difference between them and those I consider easily beaten. Am I living in a dream world where my ability is far greater than reality? Or is this lack of form just a temporary condition which, with hard work, will be soon overcome.
Good Question.
In the meantime, I can only continue to try to convince myself that I will be able to do it. Otherwise this is going to be a very miserable blog and a very long year.
The usual - more visualisation
Light exercise
1 set x 5 chin ups - don't want to over do it!
Coaching for 1 hour - the good and bad of it -
When I look at the players who are now playing at a standard that I used to play, I cannot always reconcile the difference between them and those I consider easily beaten. Am I living in a dream world where my ability is far greater than reality? Or is this lack of form just a temporary condition which, with hard work, will be soon overcome.
Good Question.
In the meantime, I can only continue to try to convince myself that I will be able to do it. Otherwise this is going to be a very miserable blog and a very long year.
The usual - more visualisation
Light exercise
1 set x 5 chin ups - don't want to over do it!
Coaching for 1 hour - the good and bad of it -
- bad - 11 yo boy has not had a game since our last coaching session last year
- good - he has actually improved in that time (either that or my coaching has improved out of sight!) - oh how I wish it would work that way for me!
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