Tennis players
Published: 30 Aug 2004 - 18:31 by rippa rit
Updated: 24 Feb 2008 - 13:06
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Why are tennis players so dangerous to play on the squash court? How do players deal with tennis swings and tennis court movements?
Tennis players:
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Tennis players:
- Stretch and volley heaps.
- Their swing is intimidating, and often excessive.
- They appear to have no backhand strokes.
- Their only thought is to hit the front wall as if it were the net.
- They have a powerful forehand drive.
- Keep the ball close to the side wall, which will impede the big swings, and hard hitting.
- Aim for the ball to land in the back corners. The big swing will hit the floor and/or wall.
- Play a boast and get to the T, be ready to volley or drive to good length.

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From rippa rit - 01 Sep 2007 - 07:23
From drop-shot - 16 Jan 2006 - 21:39
hey Arthur, I know the same style of player – receiving the serve on the left box, but waiting with forehand power volley. Gosh, I am always scared to death to play with him. Incereibey excessive swing and power put to maximum, no talent for touch play, everything is hit with the same energy... But definitely he fails on a backhand front wall. And thanks god, he is slow, so i will make him run a bit.
But anyway, I agree with you - there should be a law asking ex-tennis players to have 3-6 months to adjust their qualities and skills to regular squash game ;-D
One more thing – the way he serves -- I am afraid that finally he will break the front wall to check out what's behind our club
But anyway, I agree with you - there should be a law asking ex-tennis players to have 3-6 months to adjust their qualities and skills to regular squash game ;-D
One more thing – the way he serves -- I am afraid that finally he will break the front wall to check out what's behind our club
From rippa rit - 15 Jan 2006 - 18:11
aprice1985 - once you work it out, it will be easy. One more idea.
- Try to hit the serve lower and harder towards their body, which is usually planted against the side wall in the corner.
- Make the ball hit about waist high or lower so if the opponent does not volley the ball, because it is too close to the wall and body, it will bounce around the side wall nick, and not bounce out into the court.
From aprice1985 - 14 Jan 2006 - 23:10
I hate playing tennis players, is there no law banning them from squash courts? Keep the ball tight and to length is the best way to deal with them esp on the backhand side as most of them just can't deal with it. I find serving to them a problem as they have good volleys and i know one who stands on the backhand wall to recieve serve there so it is always on his forehand and if you lob it over him he hits the ball like he has turned, a boast off the forehand wall, very dangerous for me!
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