Stuck behind!
Published: 24 Jul 2004 - 18:46 by rippa rit
Updated: 26 Nov 2010 - 08:45
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Why do I get stuck in the back of the court? Sometimes players have a fear of being hit so think it is better to stand at the back of the court. It is also hard to move to the T when all of your shots land in the "inner court". Your opponent will have a mortgage on the space!
There are ways of taking better control of the center. If you are scared of being hit, be sure to wear an eye guard. Other probable causes:-
- Hanging back after hitting the ball. Move quickly to the center court after striking the ball.
- Opponent has not been moved from the T.
- Not watching the ball at all times.
Ideas to assist players who get stuck at the back including getting the opponent out of the "inner court":
- Use a boast to move opponent.
- Hit the drives deeper into the back corners forcing the opponent behind.
- Keep the ball tight to the walls and corners.
Remember, once at the T attempt to volley the return. If you let the ball go by you will be stuck behind again and so it goes on.

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From rippa rit - 26 Nov 2010 - 08:45
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The delima often faced after striking the ball, eg
If this sounds familiar, this is my suggestion:
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