squash game

Filling out a SquashGame Registration Form

Filling out a SquashGame Registration Form

SquashGame.info requires registration for users to access certain extra services. These include:

  • SquashGame membership
    • Library access
    • Members' Forum posting and replies
  • Other Member Services
    • Playing partner directory
    • Squash Gear reviews
    • Image uploads
  • FREE directory listings for squash coaches, clubs and  associations
  • FREE trial and purchase of Squash Game Squash Websites
  • Nominate a local Squash Legend
We only collect the information we need to gather appropriate statistics and to keep members informed of the latest at SquashGame.info.

  1. We never  sell or share your personal information with anyone else.
  2. All our communications with you will address you by your name or username
  3. If you get communications purporting to be from us but without your name appearing prominently at the start, please let us know immediately


  • Please give us the courtesy of providing accurate information
  • You must fill in all the "required'" fields for the registration to be processed
  • When updating your record, you need to click the password link to change your password
  • Your none of your personal information will ever appear on the website except:
    • where you make a post in the forum (you select either your real name or username to appear)
    • when you register as a playing partner, your town, region and country will appear with your username along with your profile which is recorded elsewhere

Squash Websites

  • When registering as part of trying or buying a Squash Website, the registration will automatically take you to the next  processing page
  • None of the details you enter here will appear on your Squash Website. Details placed in the next form are used for your website or free listing
  • When trying or buying a Squash Website, you do not have to reregister
  • If you are trying a Squash Website and decide not to purchase, your registration remains active