Rules and Information on the Members' ForumMembers' Forum Rules
- Your posts get published immediately (you can also save for later publication)
- Our no nonsense rules:
- All text and images must be Squash oriented (Sorry, this is NOT a free speech forum)
- No foul or abusive language, racist comment, adult content or other flaming
- Any attached images must clearly be for a general viewing audience
- No commercials (Event promos are allowed)
- Disregard of these rules will result in a permanent ban from
- Only members can post/reply. (Membership is FREE, Register here!)
About the Squashgame Members' Forum
Squashgame SquashForum
- Make a comment about any squash related matter
- Give your opinion on all things Squash
- Promote your squash event
- Ask any Squash question
Squashgame SquashStory
- Tell members how Squash has inspired you
- Relate you favourite Squash stories
- Let you imagination run wild with some Squash fiction!
Squashgame SquashInfo
- Give us your take on Squash technique
- Help our members become more mentally tough
- Have you been able to recruit more players?
- Got a question for us or other readers?
- Explore your Squash weaknesses and strengths.