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Published: 26 Dec 2005 - 23:06 by Viper

Updated: 28 Dec 2005 - 08:41

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Joe Shaw challenges traditional coaching methods, what do you think ?


"We have now completed a massive fifty Coaching Articles setting out in our opinion the most dynamic futuristic training forum detailing all of the areas of Coaching that are not included in athletes programs. We have challenged Directors of Institutes and their Coaches to constructively criticize these programs if for any reason they disagree with them. Unbelievably we have not had a single challenge from any such person or Institute in spite of contacting them direct for their responses.
This is a totally unacceptable situation because if these programs are as good as we claim they are, then every Director of a Sports Institute has a duty to include them in their training programs for all athletes. It is you the athlete who is suffering from this irresponsible attitude by these Directors and Coaches. If however these programs are unacceptable for whatever reason then they should explain why they are not included as part of your training regime.

We have discovered over the years that Athletes in Institutes will not raise these issues because they are concerned that they will be penalized in some way by the Directors or the Coaches. We have first hand knowledge of these incidents which are authoritarian in the extreme and you the Athlete suffer in silence. It also occurs in Teams where the future of the players is in the hands of these Directors and Coaches. Again we have first hand knowledge of these happenings and again it is you the athlete that is unjustly penalized.

We approached Directors in many Countries pointing out the benefits of these programs and requesting that they respond after due examination of them. We did not receive one reply. Certainly some Coaches have contacted us on behalf of their pupils and they receive direct responses from us answering all of their queries. Who is to train these Coaches who are as we claim ten years behind us in our approach to attain a futuristic method of training for success?

One of the most important aspects of these programs is the information regarding the Resources which are essential for your success. These Resources are detailed in these programs and without them there is no guarantee for you to achieve your full potential You must have the Resources, know what to do and how to do it. We have also detailed the fact that if you train as others do then you will only be competitive. You must train now in the manner that others will train in the future.

Week 31 details all of the requirements of a futuristic training program. You should down load this article and verify how many items are not included in your training program, and then approach your Coach to ascertain why they are not included. If others are including them and your Coach is not, then the Coach must give you a valid reason as to why they are not included.

The Training Wheel commences and is followed by the Goal Setting, the S.W.O.T. Analysis, the Self Contracts and the all important Affirmations. There are numerous article relating to training the Brain for success and how to access the subconscious. Does your training program include all of these essential Resources? No one disputes that there is a 98% failure rate of you athletes to achieve your full potential and it is claimed that 80% of you fail because you do not have a Positive Mind Management Program. Surely it is now necessary for you to stand up for your rights and obtain the best possible program for yourself. It is your career not theirs and you are the victim of their decisions.
One Director refused to even read the programs on the basis that the Coaches are paid to implement new concepts but who is to train these Coaches? They do not have the time to study for fifteen years as we have done to compile these programs, and they are free and available to them and to all of you on this Coaching site. Your own future is now in your hands and there are no excuses for not examining these programs yourself and implementing those that you consider will assist you to achieve your full potential.

In conclusion examine the statistics of these Institutes and assess for yourself their success rate. They obtain the best potential young players in their Sport and then deny them access to any outside influence such as these programs.


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From Viper - 28 Dec 2005 - 08:41

Just a note, the "last post name " function is not updating Ray.

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From Viper - 28 Dec 2005 - 08:38

Thanks for that insight, certainly holds forthright views.

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From raystrach - 28 Dec 2005 - 08:25

hi viper and all

joe has been going on about this for a number of years now, getting a lot of people offside along the way - not that that i necessarily a bad thing. 

he gave me  a copy of his program to read in the mid - late 90's. it was quite interesting. i found it to be a well organised mental training program. Sports psychologists probably would not like it as it used a series of tables, graphs etc to evaluate and then proscribe certain remedies in particular facets of mental skills which are deemed to be deficient. (it might do the psycs out of a job!) it could well do some athletes a lot of good.

he has, of course, mentored quite a few players, many of whom have not made it, some of whom have had success. his biggest success by far, has been david palmer.

if joe's program works with some athletes - great, but it will not necessarily work with all athletes. different athletes respond to different approaches. david palmer is a determined and talented squash player. who is to say that other approaches may not have got david to the top of the heap anyway?

joe may well have had greater success if he used a different approach to trying to sell his ideas to those in institutes. no one could question joe's passion for squash or his commitment to it, however his approach to some others in the sport, has left a sour taste in the mouths of those who probably deserve better.

joe is like a lot of people with strong personalities - he usually thinks he is right and he likes to get his own way - reminds me of someone i know!!

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