Spell checker for Firefox
Published: 28 Nov 2005 - 23:21 by raystrach
Updated: 29 Nov 2005 - 06:44
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I think i have finally found a spell checker that will work with firefox browser and all squashgame.info forms. here is the url
spellbound spell checker download pages
spellbound spell checker download pages
- read this page then select the "installation" page. all the instructions are there
- it evaluates what you are using and tells you what installation is required - click the install button on the page
- it gives you links to dictionaries which are easily downloaded (use dictionaries for mozilla thunderbird)
- remember that firefox will not let you download an extension without you expressly permitting this (click the "edit options" button)
- you may need to put the spell checker icon in your tool bar- get this from your "view/tool bars/customize" selection in the top menu
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From raystrach - 29 Nov 2005 - 06:44
From drop-shot - 29 Nov 2005 - 04:04
Well, I see it works and we can chat with icons if I use my PC at home.
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thanks for that. i am glad it worked!
you may also be interested that members chat is to be introduced, probably by the end of the year. we just need to figure out the configuration. we will probably start with a simple open chat room, then look to expand from there depending on demand.
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