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Back court footwork for a down the line shot

Back court footwork for a down the line shot

Published: 27 Nov 2007 - 07:03 by rippa rit

Updated: 27 Nov 2007 - 07:45

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This pic from the WSF Bermuda WO wrap shows some great detail for those wanting to get some hints on how to approach a back court shot, and return it down the line.

Points to note are:

  • Face the back wall
  • Keep away from the ball (to give plenty of room to get the swing around under the ball)
  • Try to get your leading leg opposite the ball (to get the return down the line)
  • Lunge, low taking the arc in the backswing down to get under the ball (lift the ball up)
  • Racket face at right-angles to the side wall (makes the return go parallel to the wall.)
This shot of Jonathan Kemp comes straight from the book I reckon.
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From drop-shot - 27 Nov 2007 - 07:45

Yes, poor Bengee is out from Bermuda and J. Kemp seems to be on a rising wave now. It's good for squash. And the picture looks excellent indeed

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This tip is genius....

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