Dunlop - M-fil pro / Hotmelt pro
Published: 13 Feb 2007 - 20:25 by missing_record14
Updated: 09 Apr 2007 - 04:50
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I have a Dunlop Hotmelt pro (the old model, the black one) which is almost broken. I am very happy with this racket, I love its behaviour and its balance (slightly head heavy). I want to replace it with a racket as similar as possible to the hotmelt pro. I have seen the m-fil pro, which looks pretty the same buth in a different colour. Can anyone confirm that this racket is the same (same weight, same balance), but with a different paint work?
I have also the possibility to buy the old Hotmelt Pro Jonathon Power. Is this racket slightly different to the normal Hotmelt Pro or the only difference is the signature of Jonathon Power?
Thanks for your replies.

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From rskting - 09 Apr 2007 - 04:50
From dakbrar - 05 Apr 2007 - 13:20
i have both and m-fil pro is a bit stiffer and has bit more power. the are the exact same model, same string pattern and shape, but i guess the difference in material makes it play a bit different. i prefer the m-fil over hotmelt because i like the stiffer feel.
From missing_record14 - 02 Apr 2007 - 19:27 - Updated: 02 Apr 2007 - 19:27
From stevo - 15 Feb 2007 - 08:47
I really like the ICE Elite, excellent for touch and control. Feels head light (even though it says even balance) so nice on the volley. I had one for 18 months and decided to get a second. The second broke after a month during a collision of rackets. I did notice the vibration previously mentioned, but a dampener seemed to sort that out.
Having difficulty sourcing a new ICE Elite I decided to try another Dunlop model. I wanted a bit more power so thought I would try the MFil Pro based on the review at squash site.
I like this racket also, altough perhaps not as much as the ICE Elite. It is great for power and touch is pretty good. As it is head heavy I find volleying harder to time (need to keep that racket up) and it is less forgiving on off centre shots (smaller head and/or head heavy causing this perhaps). But those issues just give me something to work on

I am sure if you dig about on the internet you should be able to source the old black with white hotmelt pro.
From Adz - 14 Feb 2007 - 19:34
I can agree with the I.C.E models having more vibration. I could never get on with them with the factory strings, but they felt a lot better restrung with something a bit more responsive.
From nickhitter - 14 Feb 2007 - 00:38
The m-fil pro is the same racket as the hotmelt pro. Both are said to be 'even' balance and are 140grams unstrung
The Jp models always used to be slightly heavier than the pro models they were based on (usually 150grams with the extra weight being in the head rather than the handle so were quite head heavy) I still have a muscleweave JP and used to have a muscleweave pro too (WHY OH WHY DID I EVER SELL THAT!!!) and their was quite a difference in the way they felt and played. Although I must say both were great! and SO durable too. The newer I.C.E Elite JP model is only 135grams unstrung and 'even' balance though,so that one has gone the other way. It also vibrated more than the hotmelt racket. Although that could have been down to the particular example I was using.
From Adz - 13 Feb 2007 - 21:03
If memory serves, the Hotmelt Pro JP racquet was a different construction material to the normal Hotmelt (as was the red Hotmelt Inferno used by Willstrop). The JP one is the grey one I think and the balance was slightly different to the others. I always used to like the Hotmelt Inferno racquet, but in total I've used:
Muscle-Weave Pro (the white racquet with black sides)
Hotmelt Inferno
Hotmelt Pro (the balck racquet with white sides)
I.C.E. Tour LB
and there were carbon racquets and titanium racquets too, both the same style and weight with different colours, but one had more vibration that the other.
With so many in memory it's hard to tell the subtle variations between each. There were subtle differences in balance and weight between each model, but nothing that you wouldn't get used to one you've played a match with them, they really were all that similar.
Unfortunately I've never used a m-fil pro, but I know a few people who have and they've been very happy with them. I think they're slightly head light (unless I've got them confused with the I.C.E. Pro!), and all of these types of Dunlop racquets that I've used seem to take a beating against the wall and still keep going!
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