Turning and interference rules
Published: 13 Feb 2006 - 06:58 by aprice1985
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:24
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I was just wondering about turning after the serve, you are not permitted to turn unnessecarily but how is that defined. Off a serve could you turn if you already played at the shot, missed and turned to have another go? I personally dislike the thought of any turning being permitted off the serve as i feel you can always move to hit off the correct hand
With interfernce can you claim if you are hitting the ball and brush but not really hit you opponent in the follow through if your swing was reasonable?

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From rippa rit - 13 Feb 2006 - 11:29 - Updated: 13 Feb 2006 - 11:32
From raystrach - 13 Feb 2006 - 08:09
- the whole idea of the new rule is to prevent players from turning as a matter of choice as used to happen with some players.
- if a player has attempted to hit the ball, failed, then turned in a second attempt, there would usually be no problem as it may well have been the only option - in other words there was no real choice in order to return the ball.
- If a player is genuinely beaten by a serve (not necessarily making a first attempt), turning would normally be ok if there were little other options
- if a player simply made the choice to turn on the ball when other options were readily available - stroke to the opponent
- In the case of interference, my reading of it would be that there would only be cause for interference if the striker "pulled" or restricted the shot and call let immediately.
- If the shot was played fully, there should be no let as contact as made after the ball was hit - the trajectory of the ball will not have been altered.
- It might be different if contact was made before striking. in any case, let would have to be called immediately contact occurred.
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Question: "Can you please explain the TURNING rule?
The fact that the "turning" happened on a serve makes no difference to the rule enforcement.
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