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Tie Breaker or Set 2

Published: 07 Feb 2006 - 07:11 by rippa rit

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:25

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  • So, in tennis we have tie-breaker, yes.
  • In squash we have Set 2.
  • So, they are one and the same thing?

When we start embracing tennis terms I get concerned that we will lose our games language which I thought we were trying to preserve, eg Lob/Toss, Smash/Volley Kill, Split Step, and so on.

  • Just wondering, as a few failed seaches are coming through which in fact are referring to tennis terms.
  • Maybe our "Squash Speak" needs to be expanded?

You reckon?

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From rippa rit - 10 Feb 2006 - 09:40

I have edited my post as maybe it was not clear.
Please read my question about "squash speak"

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From raystrach - 08 Feb 2006 - 10:34

imagine yourself running. all of a sudden you stop yourself by putting your feet astride your body (slightly outside the line of the shoulders. this is a split step. - it is mainly a balancing mechanism.

tennis players do it when the are coming to net just prior to making a volley.

I coach the split step when a player is moving to the back of the court (especially on the backhand) to return the ball off the back wall. it improve balance and therefore accuracy.

I will be adding someting on this to our library shortly.

ps a split step is also used at times on take off

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From aprice1985 - 07 Feb 2006 - 07:16

Can i just ask what a split step is

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Excellent tip that Rita.

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