Squash Footwear choices and opinions
Published: 25 Jan 2006 - 22:08 by drop-shot
Updated: 27 Jan 2006 - 08:59
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Dear members,
as you've read my story on sore feet, I dare to ask you a brand/ model of squash shoes you are wearing and your short description on the cushioning, insole etc.
As for me, I use Adidas on Fire 5 and Asics Gel Blast with reference towards Adidas shoe with insole taken from Asics. Pretty bizzare, nope?
I think I will need to change the shoes and I want to know your opinion on the brands like Hi-tec, Wilson, Head...
p.s I wonder if Hi-Tec 2005 (Vortex, Regulator, Aegis ir Elite 500) models are good and have soft and flexible insole...
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as you've read my story on sore feet, I dare to ask you a brand/ model of squash shoes you are wearing and your short description on the cushioning, insole etc.
As for me, I use Adidas on Fire 5 and Asics Gel Blast with reference towards Adidas shoe with insole taken from Asics. Pretty bizzare, nope?
I think I will need to change the shoes and I want to know your opinion on the brands like Hi-tec, Wilson, Head...
p.s I wonder if Hi-Tec 2005 (Vortex, Regulator, Aegis ir Elite 500) models are good and have soft and flexible insole...

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From rippa rit - 27 Jan 2006 - 08:59
From drop-shot - 26 Jan 2006 - 21:39
Wow, I am impressed... You Australians seem to be always few steps ahead of ex-communistic European countries :)
Anyway, it's only half an answer ... but if I understood correctly, insole of the squash shoe is crucial or at least very important factor.
Anyway, it's only half an answer ... but if I understood correctly, insole of the squash shoe is crucial or at least very important factor.
From rippa rit - 26 Jan 2006 - 20:41
Slavi - we have a shop, Athletic Foot, who take a print of your foot walking over a platform and that does help the staff chose a shoe to suit your needs.
In fact the Podiatrist gave me some advice on types of shoes to look at etc. but the shop, after looking at my foot, etc. mesuring the width/length etc and taking an imprint actually came up with something a bit more comfortable for me. Of course, you must put the innersole in before purchasing these shoes to be sure they fit well and feel comfortable.
In fact the Podiatrist gave me some advice on types of shoes to look at etc. but the shop, after looking at my foot, etc. mesuring the width/length etc and taking an imprint actually came up with something a bit more comfortable for me. Of course, you must put the innersole in before purchasing these shoes to be sure they fit well and feel comfortable.
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Remember the bit about not so much putting in a commercial half-sole or an off the counter variety but a temporary purpose built innersole made to suit you, designed by the Podiatrist (the person who services the Hungry top athletes.)? Yeah.
So the idea is to have a pair of innersoles but one might have a sort of modification underneath to alleviate your pressure point.
Slavi, I think the Dr looking at you play is ok but I think the Podiatrist looking at your worn-in/out shoes might be more valuable advice.
Therefore, when you go to purchase the shoes, the shop attendant will take the existing innersole out of the shoe (it is easily taken out and put back again without damaging the shoe) and replace it with the purpose built ones, so you get a comfortable fit. Innersoles will make a bit of difference to the shoe you chose.
Slavi when I went to the Podiatrist for the first visit with a sore foot I took all of my sports shoes so he could see what my ugly (genetically designed foot!!) was doing to the shoes, and also to give him a clue what part of the shoe was taking the wear. So he told me I bought shoes too small, and yes I do have one foot a bit smaller than the other, so that has to be taken into account too. One of the cells in the sole of the shoe had collapsed and therefore was not supporting my heel sufficiently and in fact I managed to get a replacement pair of shoes since they were guaranteed for 1 year.
Do you get the process I am referring to. It only seems hard, but it is just a matter of starting the ball rolling, eg
1. Podiatrist, take old shoes, suggest a temporary relief innersole for trial,
2. Give it a try for 3 weeks.
3. Followup visit, amendment if required to temporary sole.
4. Give another go for a week
5. Proper purpose built innersole made
6. Purchase new running, squash, etc shoes to accommodate the new innersole.
Slavi it is only necessary to wear these soles when you are doing lots of walking, jogging, playing.
I think you know as much as I do now, so it is up to you.
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