About Squashgame.info
As a the launch date of our new Updated Squashgame nears, we are temporarily disabling all comment and article posting to prevent a constant stream of spam.
For Novice Players
A few tips that will help their game: Keep away from the side walls. After hitting the ball move into a central position on court away from the ...
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Three Little Things
It's been a while. My last full post on this website was over four years ago, although it seems more like 4 months. In defence of the level of my own ineptitude, ...
The Guru's Shorts...
I have been told I am well balanced, probably because I have a chip on each shoulder. (???) How we achieve balance can be individual and a bit like art: One might not know much about it, but one knows when one likes it!
28 Jun 21 - 16:19 - SquashForum
Technifibre Squash balls
29 Apr 21 - 19:59 - SquashStory
Adobe Flash Player
19 Jan 21 - 07:33 - SquashForum
Squash vs Racquetball
26 Nov 20 - 16:10 - The Guru Speaks
It's Duck for Dinner
25 Nov 20 - 20:01 - SquashForum
Squash after Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
05 Jun 20 - 10:34 - SquashGeek
Moving stuff about again
19 May 20 - 18:07 - SquashStory
Squashgame Testimonials
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Library Discussion
Squash Player Safety Guidelines
diabetic Player
Squash Training Routines
How to get the training diagrams?
Basic Squash Backhand and Squash Forehand Swing
Speed v power